A film directed by Nono Ayuso in collab. with Jacob Jonas Dance Company, LA.Set in the urban metropolis of London, Toke, is an intimate portrait of Danish-born dancer Toke Broni Strandby. the emotionally layered journey we endure to fulfill our dreams while exploring themes of identity, contemporary alienation, and acceptance. An inspiring story about triumph, Toke, is a celebration of the beautiful resilience of the human spirit.
Commisioned by the Jacob Jonas Dance Company, LA. for the Films.Dance Platform. Recorded between London and Berlin.
-”It is a beautiful celebration of the human spirit, with an astounding original score by Paulo Gallo that's so deeply interwoven with the emotions of the movements, it feels almost organic and corporeal; like music you can see, feel and touch – not just hear.
At times the strings express and evoke anxiety. Toke gasps for breath, convulsing in rhythm with the music; the chords describe cortisol coursing through veins, blood pounding through a tormented heart, nerves stretched to snapping like a violin's taught strings. -”
Carol Cooper - Shot’s Magazine.
Commisioned by the Jacob Jonas Dance Company, LA. for the Films.Dance Platform. Recorded between London and Berlin.
-”It is a beautiful celebration of the human spirit, with an astounding original score by Paulo Gallo that's so deeply interwoven with the emotions of the movements, it feels almost organic and corporeal; like music you can see, feel and touch – not just hear.
At times the strings express and evoke anxiety. Toke gasps for breath, convulsing in rhythm with the music; the chords describe cortisol coursing through veins, blood pounding through a tormented heart, nerves stretched to snapping like a violin's taught strings. -”
Carol Cooper - Shot’s Magazine.